
Trail needs a Champion!

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
October 8th, 2009

The embryonic Trail Champion, which you are holding in your virtual hands at this very moment, is about to come fully to life. However, before this can happen, Trail’s first online newspaper needs an editor/owner to take the helm–someone with a passionate commitment to the life of their community, its politics, and its culture. The Trail Champion needs someone who can create a strong-voiced newspaper that reflects the dynamism and uniqueness of one of BC’s strongest communities.

We’re looking for a person who’s a self-starter and has an independent-minded vision of what a newspaper can mean to a community and a region. The editor/owner of the Trail Champion will be a writer and a citizen equally, interested in business but passionate about the place in which they live. This person will help the Champion join the growing Lone Sheep family of independently-owned newspapers, newspapers that work cooperatively to bring their communities and their regions together in a informative and enjoyable manner.

If this person sounds like you, drop us a line. We’d love to talk.

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