
Castlegar residents convicted: arson, breaking and entering, possession for the purpose of trafficking

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
May 5th, 2010

Youth court has, through sentencing five local teens, sent a clear message: “Don’t burn stuff.”

This, after the five were arrested in connection with an arson blaze that saw the abandoned Woodland Park School burn to the ground June 13, 2009.

Castlegar RCMP Sgt Laurel Mathew said a tip from a local led to the arrests.
“An alert citizen has noted a group of five youths hanging around the school just prior to the blaze, and called police when he noticed the fire and the youths running from the area,” she said.

Two of the five were convicted of arson to property, while the others were convicted of breaking and entering.

“It took a long time to get all five through court and get it resolved,” she said, explaining all five received conditional sentences.

“The sentences were more than just a slap on the wrist. Some of the conditions really reflect how seriously the courts, the police, and the fire department take this sort of crime.

“I think it sends a pretty strong message: ‘Don’t burn stuff’.”

The conditions include strict curfews, a requirement of reporting to youth probation, writing letters of apology, completing 75 to 125 hours of community service and having no cotact, directly or indirectly, with each other.

Mathew said that, should the youth (all of whom were 15 or 16 wears old) comply with all these conditions for the alloted time frame (most are facing 18 months), they’ll have no permanent record …but if they don’t, it opens the door for police to lay new charges, such as breach of conditions, and for the courts to levy much harsher penalties.

In other police news, two Castlegar residents were convicted of possession for the purpose of trafficking on April 28. Joy Ramsden, 70, was sentenced to eight months in jail, while Cecil Mark, 55, will be sentenced May 31.

“The convictions come after a search warrant was executed on a residence on 10th Avenue in Castlegar on Dec. 18, 2008, and a substantial amount of drugs and cash was located and seized,” Mathew said.

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