
Castlegar teenager facing new child porn charges

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
April 21st, 2011

A 19-year-old Castlegar man on probation for possession of child pronography will soon be facing new charges, according to Castlegar RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew.

“On April 20, RCMP were conducting a check on this man (after) he was convicted of possessing child pornography in May 2010 … and was sent4enced to 14 days in jail and three years probation, which included numerous conditions,” she said. “One of these conditions stated that he was not to have a computer or any electronic device in his home which would allow him access to the Internet, and that he be supervised while accessing the Internet.

“While checking this male to ensure he was complying with his court conditions, police found in his possession a device on which he could access the Internet. A second device was also located which contained thousands fo imag3es which had been downloaded from the Internet.

“Many of these images contained child pornography.”

Mathew said the man was arrested, and is being held in custody until his first court appearance in Nelson on April 27.

“Police are not releasing the man’s name until he makes his first appearance before a judge that day.”

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