
CBT contributes $20,000 toward 2011 Seniors Games

April 17th, 2011

Approximately 3,500 participants from across the province will gather in the West Kootenay cities of Trail, Castlegar and Nelson on August 16 to 20, to participate in the 2011 Seniors Games.

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is contributing $20,000 to the Games, which are hosted by a different BC community each year and target athletes age 55 and older.

“The three communities that have come together to host these games are to be commended on their vision and their partnership on this exciting initiative,” said Neil Muth, CBT president and CEO.

Encompassing over 24 sports, from track and field to bowling, dragon boat racing and cribbage the Games were founded in 1987 in order to encourage increased quality of life, health and well-being for older British Columbians and BC residents as a whole.

For more details about 2011 games visit http://2011bcseniorsgames.org/.

