
NPD contends with a spring potpourri of mischief and alcohol

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
April 27th, 2011

Spring fever has hit the city and the Nelson Police are left having to deal with the resulting fracas.

In a four-day span the police dealt with 64 calls for service, with many domestic disputes, alcohol-related incidences and instances of mischief peppering their calls.

Transients of “no fixed address” were the alleged culprits found damaging the A & W restaurant on Railway Street Wednesday morning.

Four people had entered the restaurant’s garbage containers and had taken the contents and threw it all over the parking lot, causing considerable damage and labout in clean up, said NPD Sgt. Steve Bank.

As police arrived on the scene four people were seen running away from the area. One male was caught and arrested on the spot, while two more suspects were located and arrested a short time later.

Three people — a 24-year-old male, a 23-year-old male and 19-year-old female — have been charged with mischief. They have been released on bail with conditions not to contact one another and not to be within the city of Nelson.

The fourth person involved in the incident has been identified and police are obtaining a warrant for his arrest.

• The aftermath of a domestic dispute in Uphill uncovered 175 marijuana plants Monday night. Police had attended the residence regarding several “dropped” 911 calls.

“Upon arrival police discovered that a male and a female had been having an argument, however, they had left just prior to police’s arrival,” said Sgt. Bank.

Upon further investigation police discovered approximately 175 marijuana plants in their seedling stage inside the home. The plants were seized and disposed of.

• Over $15,000 worth of jewelry, electronic devices, currency and cheques were stolen in a break and enter in an Uphill home Tuesday night. The suspects involved have been identified by police and most of the stolen property was recovered. The investigation is ongoing.

• The Highway 3A west pull out was the scene of a man pulling a knife amidst a social gathering Saturday night. When the police arrived and the man in question was searched, it was found he had a folding hunting knife secreted in the front of his pants.

The knife was seized and the man, a 29-year-old Nelson resident, was allowed to proceed, The incident is still under investigation and criminal charges may result.

• A group of young people walking along Vernon Street caused enough of a disturbance and damage to property that it drew the attention of NPD officers.

Police attended and located the group, all of whom were known to police. One of the group, an 18-year-old female Kaslo resident, was arrested for mischief and causing a disturbance and taken to jail.

Charges of mischief and causing a disturbance are pending.

• Mary Hall was the target of vandals as they tagged “extensive” graffiti on the north and west side of the building Tuesday morning. Police are requesting assistance from the public for information or witnesses to this crime.

• A 911 call to a residence in Rosemont Sunday uncovered a male and a female in the residence who were bound by bail conditions — related to a previous offence — not to be together.

As a result, police took a 39-year-old woman into custody.

“However, due to her physical conditions relating to alcoholism, she was transferred to hospital for medical care,” said Sgt. Bank.

Criminal charges are not being considered in this incident.

• Two domestic disputes in Uphill Saturday night resulted in no charges being laid, but one man was removed from a residence by police and escorted away, while police helped diffuse another situation.

• Call it an alcohol-infused tantrum, but a 26-year-old man in an angry and “assaultive” frame of mind brought out Nelson’s finest after he was causing a disturbance and accosting people on Baker Street Friday night. The man, well know to police, was arrested and lodged in police cells until he was sober. Charges are pending.

• Four “suspicious” drivers were hauled over on the weekend and served roadside prohibitions, fines and one had his vehicle impounded.

And, finally, no major incidents arose after the overtime victory by the Vancouver Canucks in the seventh game over the Chicago Blackhawks Wednesday night.




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