
High-risk driving habits on police radar this month in West Kootenay

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 7th, 2011

High risk driving will be the target of a month-long police campaign in the West Kootenay region and across the province starting this weekend.

In conjunction with ICBC, the campaign will target high-risk driving behaviours including speeding, failing to yield, following too closely, ignoring a traffic control device and improper passing.

Intended to raise awareness about the importance of smart driving behaviours and the impact of high-risk driving on B.C. roads, the month will illustrate how driver actions are a contributing factor in 63 per cent of all police-attended crashes involving injuries and fatalities in B.C. In all, 76,000 people are injured in crashes each year in B.C.

Speed Watch

ICBC will also be partnering with Speed Watch volunteers throughout the province to help make drivers more aware of the actual speed they’re traveling.

The advertising component of the campaign aims to remind drivers that if they slow down, they’ll see more of the road. The campaign includes radio, television and an interactive game on icbc.com/drivesmart to help illustrate how much is going on at intersections at any given time.

How to reduce high-risk driving

• When making a left turn, be cautious and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

• Leave enough space between your car and the one in front of you.

• Leave early and allow for extra travel time in case of delays.

• As a reminder: yellow lights mean you should stop if you can do so safely.

• Slow down and drive smart.

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