
Brawl over beer turns bloody as knife cuts one man twice

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 29th, 2011

Never mess with a man’s beer.

After one man stole a full can of beer from another Monday night, a fight broke out in the lane behind the Hume Hotel.

The man who stole the beer pulled out a folding knife and slashed the other man twice, once on the right hand and then on the left forearm.

The fight involved several men, said Nelson Police Department Sgt. Steve Bank, with one of the men brandishing a knife.

The victim of the incident received two relatively minor slash wounds but refused treatment, he said.

“With the assistance of a Hume employee, officers were able to immediately locate and arrest the suspect without further incident,” said Sgt. Bank.

The suspect and the knife — and the can of beer — were recovered. The man was held in custody overnight and made an appearance in Nelson Provincial Court on Tuesday.

William Kennedy, 28, of Boswell is charged with robbery, assault with a weapon and possession of a dangerous weapon.

Categories: Crime


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