
Lobby group calls for criminal charges against Castlegar men who penned 'Deflowered in Seconds'

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
June 3rd, 2011

Ed note: The following is a press release issued by a lobby group, in which they name the Castlegar men who penned ‘Deflowered in Seconds’. I agonized over whether to publish these names … at first choosing not to, for fear of repercussions for myself and the young men involved. However, I now know this press release is being issued to many, many news organizations, country-wide, and the authors’ anonymity is no longer at issue.

Furthermore, and far more importantly, to my thinking, is the fact that the authors are the ones who first published this to the Internet, thus relinquishing their rights to anonimity.

I contacted both young men, offering them an opportunity to share their side of the story and shed light on why they wrote ‘Deflowered in Seconds’, at the same time promising not to publish their names.

Both declined to even respond to my messages.

So, here’s the press release in its entirety.

You decide whether I was right in running it – and please share your opinions with The Source.



Girls Advocacy Group calls for Charges againstTeen Sex Manual Authors Jason Osachoff and Curtis Delikatny Vancouver girls’ rights organization Justice for Girls is calling on the CastlegarRCMP to recommend charges against Jason Osachoff and Curtis Delikatny fortheir production and distribution of a Facebook page that coaches young men tosexually assault and exploit teen girls. The Facebook page entitled “Deflower in Seconds” is a detailed manual on howto sexually assault and exploit teenage girls as young as thirteen. 21 year oldJason Osachoff launched the page on Facebook in February, 2011. As a resultof public outcry the page has since been removed from the site. Annabel Webb, advocate at Justice for girls states, “There are grounds forcharges under child pornography laws that prohibit publishing material thatadvocates child sexual abuse. These two men must be held accountable forpromoting hatred and sexual violence against teen girls.” Webb goes on to question why the identities of these men have not been released: “We see no legal reason why the identities of the men who wrote the rape manual should be protected. They made a decision to publish this kind of misogyny and they saw no reason to hide their identities then so why should they be protected now? “Girls in Castlegar have a right to know who is targeting them.” Legal expert on pornography and sexual assault, UBC law Professor JanineBenedet argues that despite the authors’ disclaimer charges should be laid:“Detailed descriptions of how to sexually exploit girls who are not legally able toconsent because of age or intoxication, or advice to coerce sex by threateninggirls with the release of nude photos, are examples of child pornographyprohibited by the Criminal Code. They should not be immunized fromprosecution by tacking on a claim that it was only a joke.” Justice for Girls is a federally funded non-profit organization that wasestablished in 1999 to promote support, justice, and equality for teenage girls.Justice for Girls has engaged law and policy makers at local, provincial, federal,and international levels and has appeared before numerous human rightsbodies domestically and internationally to address violence against teenagegirls.




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