
Public meeting on LG issue still a go

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 15th, 2011

 Community demand remains high for a public meeting regarding the LG (Little Girl) culture among some local youth, brought to public attention by a how-to manual penned by two local men called Deflowered in Seconds, which described in minute detail how to sexually abuse little girls (see http://castlegarsource.com/news/general/youth-worker-says-facebook-abuse-manual-just-tip-terrifying-castlegar-iceberg-11649)

City councilor Deb McIntosh said she’s getting dozens of phone calls and emails from residents demanding some sort of action on the issue, as concerned parents wonder how to broach the subject with their kids.   “I’m really angry about this issue, and I’m not alone in that – and that’s not the frame of mind we need to be in when talking to our young people about this,” she said. “We need professionals, who have dealt with this, standing in front of us and telling us how to approach this in a helpful, productive way.   “People want this meeting, and they’re frustrated by the perception that no one’s doing anything about this.”   She said she’s not looking for a witch hunt or lynch mob – the goal of the meeting would not be to condemn the authors of Deflowered in Seconds, but rather to provide a distressed community with the information they need to keep their kids safe – boys and girls alike.   “I want to be very clear that I’m not painting all young men with the same brush. The intent is not to demonize any one or any group of people. It’s to get information and advice. I want to be helpful.”   Local youth pastor James McFaddin, who originally floated the idea of a public town-hall-style meeting (see http://castlegarsource.com/news/general/public-town-hall-meeting-be-held-castlegar-re-facebooklg-issues-11924), said he’s still game to organize the meeting, but with two jobs, two kids, and a business to run, he can’t make it happen on his own.   “I hate to ask others to do something I’m so passionate about, but I’m having a very, very difficult time finding the time to do this,” he said, inviting anyone who wants to help to call him at 250-365-5212 or 250-304-4425. “And I don’t mean to call with ideas and suggestions – I mean people who are prepared to roll up their sleeves and pitch in.”   He said local police have agreed to attend and speak to some of the legal issues surrounding the “LG” concern, and said he agrees with McIntosh whole-heartedly as to the content of the meeting.   “It needs to be an information session, teaching people where we’re at now, and letting them know what resources and supports are available in the community.”  

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