
Habitat for Humanity breaks Castlegar ground

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 12th, 2011

 Habitat for Humanity broke ground for the first time ever in Castlegar last Saturday, and the build continues a steady pace toward fruition.

In a ceremony held at 2 p.m., mayor Lawrence Chernoff, city councillor Gord Turner, and other dignitaries got to try their hand with a shovel in honour of the project.

West Kootenay Habitat chair Chuck Henderson said the site is now cleared and prepared, and excavation could begin as soon as this month.
“The City of Castlegar donated the land, at 649 11 Ave.,” he said. “ We’re hoping to get to lock-up stage (framed, with shutters, doors and windows) before winter sets in.”

Also on hand was the Nash family, for whom the house is being built.

Henderson said West Kootenay Habitat has put four families in homes over the past 12 years, but never in Castlegar … until now.

“We have as many as 47 volunteers registered to help in Castlegar – but we can really use all the help we can get,” he said, adding they’ve raised $60,000 so far. “We probably need another $20,000 to finish.”

He said the two-storey home, once completed, will be sold to the Nash family at market value, but with an interest-free mortgage and payments no more than 30 per cent of the family’s gross income.

“We then use the mortgage payments to build the next house … so the more we build, the more we can build.”

He said the family has to put in at least 500 of volunteer hours, building “sweat equity” in lieu of a down payment.

As for what’s next after this build, Henderson said they have an opportunity to help build a four-plex in Salmo, which is something they’re considering … but for the time being, he’s very much focussed on Castlegar.

People can volunteer and donate directly through our web page at www.habitatwk.ca or they can call me at 250-352-5366.

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