
Slow fire season has potential to grow hotter

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
August 11th, 2011

Although the hot and dry weather continues in the West Kootenay, the soaking the region took last winter and in spring has allowed it to have an almost non-existent fire season — so far.

There have been no active fires of note or fires larger than 10 hectares in the region since the 23.3 ha. fire near Golden back in May.

Overall, the Southeast Fire Centre, which includes Nelson and the Slocan Valley, has only had 67 total fires to date, the second highest total in the province — with 13 new lightning caused.

However, the region has seen the second lowest total burned out of the six centres in the province, with a total of only 35 ha. burned this year, compared to 11,009 ha. in the northwest.

That could change. The forecast for the next week is for the hot and dry weather to continue, drying up the last remnants of the early 2011 moisture — and hopefully the mosquitos with it.

The current fire danger rating for the Arrow Lakes zone of the Southeast Fire Centre is moderate, with some patches rated as high. The Boundary rating is verging on high, including ratings of extreme closer to the US border.

On Sunday, three firefighters and one helicopter attended a small lightning caused wildfire near the Pend d’Oreille River.



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