
West Kootenay-Boundary still hot and dry

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
September 11th, 2011

Persistent hot, dry conditions and an inversion have fire officials concerned with wildfire potential in the West Kootenay-Boundary.

With the exception of campfires, the Southeast Fire Centre in Castlegar is telling people that all open fires (fireworks and burning barrels) are restricted within the fire zone that contains the entire West Kootenay-Boundary regions.

The Southeast fire danger rating is currently high with pockets of extreme in all zones, except low to moderate in the Columbia Fire Zone.

All campfires must be a half-metre wide by a half-metre high or smaller. People lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from the campfire area and must have at least eight litres of water or a shovel nearby to properly extinguish the fire and always be in attendance.

People are asked that before leaving an area to ensure a campfire is completely out and the ashes are cool.

Since April 1, the Southeast Fire Centre has responded to 113 wildfires. Fifty-two of those fires were person-caused.

Smoky skies visible in the southern interior are a result from fires burning in the U.S.A. More information on these fires can be found at http://www.inciweb.org

Please note: Leaving a campfire unattended can result in a $345 fine. If you cause a wildfire or are not complacent with the restrictions noted above, you may also be held liable for suppression costs and damages.

To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call *5555 on your cell phone or toll-free to 1 800 663-5555.

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