
Climate action commitments now focus of future RDCK decisions

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
December 18th, 2011

A green fleet and green purchasing policy have been adopted at the Regional District level, helping mark another rung up the ladder of the Carbon Neutral Kootenays project.

Sustainable considerations will now come into play when it concerns vehicle acquisition, replacement and usage decisions under the new policy — replacing the existing RDCK Vehicles Policy.

The goal of the new vehicle replacement policy is to provide the least cost per service kilometre consistent with requirements for reliability, safety and now climate action commitments.

The new policy acknowledges that fleet management decisions are linked to the RDCK’s ability to achieve its climate action commitments.

The policy restricts non-essential vehicle idling — stoppages longer than 10 seconds — while requiring new vehicle purchases to incorporate right sizing, life cycle costs and fuel choice. RDCK vehicles will now be purchased according to the average or usual anticipated use of the vehicle.

If occasional vehicle needs exceed the capacity of the vehicle purchased, vehicle sharing or rental will be required.

All lifecycle costs of a vehicle will now be considered, with capital costs, maintenance costs, fuel costs and resale costs all taken into consideration. As well, all fleet management decisions will promote vehicles that run on alternative fuel sources, low emissions fuel (bio-diesel, low sulphur gas) and an acceptable fuel consumption mileage for its use.

It also helps educate drivers on efficient driving practices and encourages reducing single occupancy trips through vehicle sharing.

However, the RDCK will no longer cover liability to other people (bodily injury and property damage) due to employee negligence in the operation of an RDCK vehicle while the employee was conducting RDCK business.

The Green Purchasing Policy amends the existing Purchasing Policy in that it now supports consideration of environmental factors in purchasing decisions.

The policy now includes environmental stewardship goals and steps for sustainable purchasing. It promotes the use of life-cycle costing when making purchasing decisions, and requires that energy efficient equipment is selected whenever feasible.

The RDCK will now consider whether an existing product has been used to the end of its life, if needs can be met in another way, and reduce consumption rates. The policy recommends renting, leasing or buying second hand from classifieds or from suppliers.

Durable, longer-life products will be chosen, as will products designed to address specific environmental or social concerns, with life cycle costing factored in.

In order to pay for the possible higher costs of energy efficient vehicles or other capital assets, the RDCK has committed funds to greenhouse gas emissions reduction through the Community Works funding program and the Climate Action Reserve Fund.

As part of the Carbon Neutral Kootenays project, the RDCK was provided with five draft policies to support implementation of the RDCK’s goal of greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

They include:

1. Climate Action Reserve Fund Policy

This policy was adopted by the RDCK in early 2011.

2. Green Buildings Policy

This policy will be considered for adoption in late 2011, early 2012.

3. Green Vehicles Policy

4. Purchasing Policy Amendment

This policy and the Green Purchasing Policy have been consolidated by RDCK staff into a single proposed policy.

5. Green Purchasing Policy


Categories: General
