
State of emergency rescinded after Broadwater slide; but remain in place for five RDCK areas

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
June 27th, 2012

The States of Local Emergency declared Saturday due to a mudslide near Robson has been rescinded, but remain in place in five RDCK areas, according to the RDCK’s Emergency Operations Centre.

“The State of Local Emergency declared June 23, concerning the landslide which closed Broadwater Road north of Robson has been rescinded,” said public information officer Bill Macpherson. “Progress on road repairs and diminished threats from flooding make the declaration no longer necessary at this time.

“In Area D, the loss of a dam on Kemp Creek that controlled the Village of Kaslo’s primary water system has prompted the village to declare a State of Local Emergency,” he added. “Currently, the backup emergency system is providing water to residents, although strict rationing is in effect.

“Across the Regional District of Central Kootenay, several evacuation alerts and states of local emergencies remain in place. Precautionary evacuation alerts include the West Creston area, where water is covering sections of Peterman Road, and for Slocan Valley West Road residents, where an evacuation order was lifted to permit residents to return home. Crews continue to place rip-rap along the shoulders of the road.

‘States of local emergencies remain in place in Areas A, B, C, H and I.”

Categories: GeneralPolitics
