
B.C. employment figures show lag

By Contributor
August 12th, 2012

Employment numbers in British Columbia dipped in July after slight gains in June, as full-time positions replaced losses of part-time positions.

In B.C., 14,500 jobs were lost, reflecting a national trend, as 30,400 jobs were lost across Canada. However, full-time positions in B.C. increased by 9,600 from June 2012, and the decrease in total employment was entirely due to the loss of part-time employment.



“All across Canada, provinces are seeing fluctuations in the labour market and B.C. is no different. July experienced a slight downward swing, but I’m confident we’ll be back gaining jobs soon,” said Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, Pat Bell. 

“We are still living in turbulent economic times, but B.C. is well positioned to weather the storm and thanks to our government’s prudent fiscal management, our province is a safe harbour for investors and businesses.”

Since February of last year, 46,800 net new jobs have been added – B.C. gained over 78,800 full-time positions, offset by a loss of 32,000 part-time positions. And since September 2011, B.C. has seen strong gains in full-time positions with 36,500 created, replacing the loss of 27,800 part-time positions.

B.C.’s 7.0 per cent unemployment rate remains below the national average (7.3 per cent) and, with 33,400 job gains since July 2011, B.C. ranks third nationally, after Ontario (+47,200) and Alberta (+45,700).

Overall, B.C.’s labour force now stands at 2,307,700. Compared with one year ago, B.C.’s labour force has increased by 33,400 people.

Regionally, Lower Mainland-Southwest gained 8,000 positions, Thompson-Okanagan gained 5,900 positions and the Kootenays gained 800 positions.

‘Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan’ builds on government’s solid foundation of prudent fiscal management to attract investment and open new markets for B.C. products and services, and to create jobs for British Columbians. The B.C. government’s plan is bringing new dollars to the province through increased investment and more exports to trading partners in Asia and beyond.


Learn More:

Visit the B.C.’s one-stop working resource:  http://www.workbc.ca

Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan:  http://www.bcjobsplan.ca

This post was syndicated from https://boundarysentinel.com


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