
U.S. and Kaslo fires blamed for smoke in the region

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 23rd, 2012

Smoke from fires in Washington State and Kaslo combined with an inversion over the area treated residents in the West Kootenay with a less than typical start to the fall season.

The result made for a hazy weekend in West Kootenay area.

“There is an inversion over the area which is trapping smoke in the valleys,” said Karlie Shaughnessy, Fire Information Officer for the Southeast Fire Centre.

“The smoke is blowing from fires burning in Washington and other states.”

Shaughnessy said the fire near Kaslo is approximately 10 kilometers southwest of the North Kootenay village in the Bjerkness creek area.

Smoke can be seen from Kaslo but no communities or structures are in danger.

“The fire was first reported on (Friday) September 21, caused by lightning and is about eight hectares in size,” Shaughnessy said.

“There are currently two helicopters and 17 personnel on site fighting the fire.”

Despite a lack of rain in the West Kootenay region, fire rating is moderate to high.

The forecast from Environment Canada has clouds moving Tuesday before the sun returns Friday and Saturday.


Categories: General
