
City partners to provide free bear-proof garbage bins for resident use

By Contributor
April 19th, 2013

The City of Trail and the local non-profit agency, Natural Control Alternatives Society (NCA), are pleased to announce the communal bear-proof bins are available again this year for public use during the active bear months (spring until late fall). One bin is located at the City of Trail Public Works yard at 3370 Highway Drive, and the other is located at Rossland Avenue Park next to the City of Trail’s Bocce Facility.

Bears are often attracted to bagged garbage that is left out in the yard in easily accessible outdoor garbage cans. The purpose of the communal bear-proof bins is to provide residents a garbage disposal container for smelly trash that is unable to wait for curbside pickup service.

“We live in such a beautiful, mountainous area and we often forget that we are sharing space with bears and other wildlife,” says Ernie Millin, NCA Organizer. “Disposing of garbage properly to eliminate bear temptation is one of the best ways to keep both the community and the bears safe. We hope people use these bear-proof bins respectfully and honestly.”

The City of Trail and the NCA do ask that users of this bin contribute a toonie ($2)/per bag to the secure “tip” box, located at the front of the bin. These donations will help contribute to the associated purchase and maintenance costs of the units, along with the costs for Alpine Disposal and Recycling to empty the containers when full. Any costs that are not covered by user tips, will shared by the NCA and the City of Trail.

For more information on Trail’s bear-proof bin program, please contact the NCA at NCASociety@gmail.com.

Categories: GeneralPolitics
