
BC police departments support Gun Amnesty in June

By Contributor
May 31st, 2013

British Columbia’s Police Departments are combining their efforts in making homes across BC safer by declaring a province-wide Gun Amnesty during the month of June.

The program, endorsed by the BC Association of Chiefs of Police, runs from June 1-30. During this time, residents of BC will be able to safely dispose of unwanted, documented or undocumented firearms, weapons and ammunition that have not been used in a criminal offence, without facing weapons-related Criminal Code charges.

Deputy Commissioner Craig Callens, Commanding Officer of the RCMP in BC, said that we as police officers know full well the effects and impacts of having firearms inside homes, particularly if they are unsecured. Turning in unwanted firearms will eliminate the risks these weapons pose.

This amnesty is a chance to take guns and ammunition out of homes and off our streets, and make our province safer for everyone. It’s an important partnership between police and British Columbians as we work together to minimize needless and avoidable tragedies, said Shirley Bond, Minister of Justice and Attorney General.

These sentiments are echoed by Inspector Brad Haugli, President of the British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP). He adds that, all police departments have a common goal of keeping our communities safe.

The BCACP is fully supportive of this Gun Amnesty Program to do just that. Removing guns from homes will prevent them from falling into the hands of criminals and from accidentally hurting innocent people.

Anyone who possesses guns, ammunition and weapons, even imitation and pellet weapons, pepper spray and knives, are being asked to phone their local police on the non-emergency line listed in their area phonebook. Police will go to their residence to receive the weapon.

It is important that residents do not transport these weapons themselves into police departments for security reasons.

For further information on the BC Gun Amnesty, how to turn in weapons and types of weapons accepted under this amnesty, please visit www.bcgunamnesty.ca.

Categories: Crime
