
Have your say about the future of Trail recreation

City of Trail
By City of Trail
May 31st, 2013

The City of Trail is preparing a Parks & Recreation Master Plan to guide its activities and investments over the next ten years. As part this process, a community online survey is being provided to the general public. This online survey is one of several community input processes being used in the development of the Master Plan. The Master Plan started in February with focus group and stakeholder interviews with organizations that use parks and recreation spaces, or represent community constituencies. In April a random survey of residents was taken via a mailed questionnaire. Now, this online survey will allow anyone who wishes to make comment a forum to do so ensuring an inclusive process.

“We want to ensure we are providing exceptional park and recreation services and facilities to the community,” says Trisha Davison, Parks and Recreation Director. “We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to fill out the survey.The City takes great pride our services, and the public’s input is important to us.”

The survey will be online until June 28th and can be found on Survey Monkey with the provided link, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MCCLLH8. The survey is also available on City of Trail’s website at http://trail.ca/surveys.php or through the City of Trail’s Facebook page. For those who prefer a more traditional method, paper copies of the surveys are available at the Trail Aquatic and Leisure Centre and City Hall. For more information on the Parks & Recreation Master Plan and the community survey, please contact Trisha Davison, Parks and Recreation Director at 250-364-0852.
