
IHA offers health update for residents near Lemon Creek jet fuel spill

By Contributor
July 29th, 2013

Residents of the area impacted by the July 26 jet fuel spill at Lemon Creek are advised of the latest health update.

Until further notice, a Do Not Use order remains in effect for Lemon Creek, Slocan River and Kootenay River above or below Brilliant Dam to the confluence of the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers at Castlegar due to ongoing risk of jet fuel contamination. This order includes no drinking, swimming or other recreational use in these water systems.

In the majority of cases, well water is not affected by this order. However, shallow wells close to the creek or rivers, particularly those in gravel/sandy soils, may be impacted. Residents should not use well water if there is a fuel smell in the well or at any tap.

Residents on private systems with questions or concerns should contact IH Health Protection at 250- 420-2240 for more information. IH representatives will also be at the public meeting in Winlaw on
Tuesday (7 p.m. at Winlaw Community Hall) to answer health questions from the public. Interior Health is also advising residents to avoid eating fish from these rivers and washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly with alternate water sources. If residents have any concerns that fruit/vegetables from local gardens may be contaminated, IH would recommend throwing them out.

Tap water in the City of Castlegar and the City of Trail is safe for all uses as these systems draw from alternate sources.

Ministry of Environment continues to do testing of affected water. This testing will help determine when the Do Not Use order can be lifted.
IH will provide updates related to health impacts as new information is available.

Anyone with specific health questions or concerns should contact their family physician.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: GeneralHealth
