
Police ease social-media-driven fears that US fugitive is at large in region

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
November 28th, 2013

Trail RCMP are seeking to diffuse community concern after several social media reports indicated a US fugitive might be in the area, according to RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson.

“Trail and Greater District RCMP have been fielding several enquiries about a possible US Fugitive that may be in the area of Fruitvale,” Johnson said. “On Nov. 25, a Canadian Border Services Agent observed a male and female hitchhiking on the Highway near Salmo while driving to work. When they arrived at work, the CBSA worker noticed an alert that had been sent out from American authorities that matched the description of the two hitch hikers that had earlier been seen.”

Johnson said police in Salmo and Trail were alerted and conducted enquiries throughout the area in an effort to determine which direction of travel the male and female took.

“A message was sent out to surrounding detachment areas describing the couple and requesting the two be located and questioned in regards to this alert,” he said, adding, “The couple was located by the Elk Valley Detachment and, with further descriptions of tattoos and body marks being provided by the American authorities, it was determined that the male and female were not involved and were not the wanted fugitives been sought out.”

He said the search, though, became public knowledge and was cause for concern for many area residents.

“It does appear as though this information has been spread through the community by social media sites and the Trail and Greater District RCMP would like the actual details and result of the investigation known to the public,” he said.

“This investigation is a great example of the partnerships utilized by the local authorities to deal with these situations and to ensure the safety of our communities.”

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Categories: CrimeGeneral
