
COMMENT: Gov't reps work long hours

Linda Larson
By Linda Larson
March 9th, 2014

For those of you who follow the proceedings in the legislature you will very likely see the best and the worst of the process of government. It is a process steeped in tradition and is somewhat archaic and slow to respond to change.

However, I believe that those who put their names on a ballot to represent the people in their areas do it with the best of intentions to make positive changes to benefit everyone and though it sometimes seems that nothing is happening, the reality is much different. There are currently several pieces of legislation that are moving through this session and some will have a direct benefit to the Boundary-Similkameen.

Just a few of those are:

  • the Off Road Vehicle Act, in response to a request from the outdoor Recreational Council of BC that has its roots as far back as 2002
  • the Missing Persons Act in response to the Opal Report
  • changes to the Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statues Amendment Act.

In total there are thirteen bills before the legislature at this time, with many more to come.

Government members of the legislative assembly (MLA) work very long days, in fact most MLA’s start before 7 a.m. and work until at least 6 or 7 p.m. including Thursdays. This makes for very long days indeed, when you consider that many of us don’t arrive home until well after midnight and need to be in our constituency office, or community events early on Friday morning.

Travelling back to Victoria on Sunday also makes for a very short weekend. It helps that sessions are compact, and we are able to spend much of the year in our communities working. 

In order for the government to introduce legislative changes, MLA’s have much to do in our communities while the legislature is not in session.

Most important, is talking to British Columbians about issues that matter to them. As you may know there were many government committees touring the province though out the recent parliamentary recess – gathering information and now presenting these findings to the legislature. The real work of government happens on the ground, around the province, talking to all of you and taking this information and concerns to Victoria for action. While there is certainly an entertainment aspect to watching proceedings in the House the real work is often missed by the public who only see the “showmanship” that has become part of Legislative debate.

I am fortunate to be able to participate in this process and I can assure you that all MLA’s work hard to make this beautiful province a great place to live.

Local News

Congratulations to Greenwood for placing third this year in the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition in the municipal water category. This is the third time Greenwood has been in the top three in this category. There were 100 entrants, mostly from Canada and the US but some were also international entrants.

Congratulations to Chief Clarence Louie and all members of the Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB) on the official opening of N’KMP Corners. Once again the OIB have shown by example their continuing investment in the economy of this Region.

Good luck to the Town of Osoyoos in their quest to become Hockeyville.


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Categories: GeneralOp/Ed
