
RDCK seeks community input on future of parks and rec

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 22nd, 2014

The Regional District of Central Kootenay, reflecting the wishes of residents in the community want to find out what types of changes residents would like to see in parks and recreation.

The RDCK is hoping to get the necessary feedback to improve the Nelson and District Parks & Recreation Master Plan by hosting the Master Plan Open House.

“It’s important that the community come out and participate in the Master Plan Open House sessions,” said Ramona Faust, Chair of the Nelson & District Recreation Commission.

“The Master Plan for Parks and Recreation will chart the future of recreation in Nelson and the region from Salmo to South Slocan and through to Queens Bay.”

The five-year Master Plan has been built on community input from the start. The Master Plan addresses the future of parks, trails, indoor recreational facilities and recreational programming in Nelson and Electoral Areas E, F, G and H.

Master Plan Designer Gary Young’s first step was surveying households in the community. The feedback Mr. Young collected — through extensive focus group meetings and telephone surveys, is the foundation of the plan’s 34 recommendations.

All recommendations in the Master Plan can be changed, with the exception of the essential repairs to the aquatic centre. Community feedback will guide future plans for parks and recreation in the RDCK. Fulfilling the most common and popular suggestions that represent the majority of residents are the top priority.

Recommendations in the plan range from improving sports fields, designing programs that specifically target ‘tweens’, creating additional child-minding options at the Nelson & District Community Complex, and enhancing cycling and walking trails.

“The new Parks & Rec Master Plan can set us on a path for a more coordinated approach to our parks and recreational facilities in Nelson and area,” says Nelson Mayor John Dooley.

“The plan identifies a very exciting concept – a Recreation Campus on the grounds of the Nelson and District Community Complex.”

The ‘Community Recreation Campus’ is a long term vision that builds on and connects all the existing indoor recreational facilities located in Nelson.

The Rec Campus would be the hub of indoor physical activity and have a campus-like feel. The campus concept is one of the key topics the RDCK is seeking input on at the Master Plan Open House.

The Open House is a light and interactive event. Large, colourful displays will pique people’s interest, generate conversation and help residents visualize the future possibilities of recreation in the RDCK.

There will be lots of one-on-one discussion, question and answers with the designers of the plan and a brief presentation.

For more information, visit the RDCK website.

OPEN HOUSE Dates, Times & Locations:
Monday, April 28 5 – 7 p.m.
Nelson & District Community Complex
Arena Concourse

Tuesday, April 29 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Seniors Citizens Association
717 Vernon Street, Nelson

Tuesday, April 29 7 – 9 p.m.
Balfour Hall

Wednesday, April 30 6 – 8 p.m.
Mount Sentinel Secondary School

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