
Op/Ed: The "War on Christmas;" It's a real thing

By Contributor
November 28th, 2014

This Op/Ed video is by Derek Forgie. Some readers might recognize him because he travelled with Clara Hughes’ Big Ride as she came through the Boundary and West Kootenays. Check out his stance on the “War on Christmas.” 

Bio (NSB): Equality Advocate

Actor, comedian and activist Derek Forgie is a remarkable plate-spinner. (metaphorically, of course) When he’s not entertaining the daily in-studio audiences at MTV Canada he somehow manages to balance a hearty diet of stand-up comedy, activism and popping up in the occasional television commercial. If you were to add up every time he’s been a: keynote speaker, warm-up act, DJ, comic, emcee, host, and actor, in front of a crowd, it adds up to a staggering 1800+ different audiences before the age of 30


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