
This little piggy went ... nowhere. Lamonts' pet pigs to call Castlegar home

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 9th, 2015

The pigs have won the day!

At a special meeting this afternoon (July 9), council voted unanimously to reconsider the motion of July 6 regarding the Lamonts’ pot-bellied pigs (for full story, click here).

“In today’s meeting, council confirmed their intent not to amend the Animal Control bylaw, but to allow the Lamonts to keep their pet pigs, subject to inspections over the next year,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. “Council took into consideration the ambiguity of the owner’s comments regarding a previous city bylaw officer and (the Lamonts’) recent efforts to keep the property clean and odour free.”

Chernoff said council is sincere in their desire to secure the promise of Castlegar’s motto, ‘Happily Ever After’, for all residents, wherever possible.

“This isn’t the first reconsideration we’ve ever done – things aren’t written in stone,” he said. “This was the caring thing to do.”

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: GeneralPolitics


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