
Social sector services and organizations receive a boost

February 18th, 2016

Twenty-eight projects that support social well-being have been approved to receive over $1 million in funding through Columbia Basin Trust’s Social Grants.

“Through these grants, we’re able to help social service organizations meet the needs of Basin communities and residents,” said Liz Gillis, Columbia Basin Trust Manager, Social Initiatives. “These projects will positively impact health and well-being throughout the Basin.”

One of the successful projects is called Establishing a Regional Data Gathering System, which is part the larger project PRISM: Partners in a Regional Integrated Service Model. Through PRISM, 14 non-profit social service organizations in the West Kootenay Boundary region are coming together to organize and streamline their services. The goal is to have integrated service streams across the region in areas such as family support services, victim services, early years services and more.

“Currently, each organization delivers similar services and yet collects data a little differently,” said Rona Park, Executive Director, Nelson Community Services Centre and PRISM Co-Lead. “Through collaboration, we will develop a regional system to collect, share and analyze data. This will enable us to generate more meaningful information, deliver more consistent programming across the region and better support the health, well-being and resilience of some of our region’s most vulnerable residents.”

Other successful West Kootenay projects include:

–       Family Action Network of the Lower Columbia Society– Create educational tools for an Early Childhood Screening Toolkit, which will provide regional consistency in the branding and promotion of early childhood screening specifically targeting family doctors, early childhood educators and centres, and parents.

–       Castlegar and District Community Services Society– Implement building and equipment upgrades and radon remediation to improve the safety, health and accessibility of the society’s main building.

–       Nakusp Child Care Society– Upgrade the child care centre’s equipment to better meet the needs of staff and children and improve energy efficiency.

–       Nelson and District Seniors Coordinating Society– Expand the delivery of non-medical support services to low-income seniors and other vulnerable adults, helping them stay in their homes, keep connected to their communities and improve health.

–       West Kootenay Social Enterprise Society– Purchase a commercial shredder to support the ongoing and future employment of people experiencing barriers to employment.

–       Kootenay Family Place– Expand the delivery and coordination of family and parent education and support programs.

–       Circle of Indigenous Nations Society– Help parents and caregivers of Aboriginal children learn about traditional parenting and Aboriginal culture.

–       Take a Hike West Kootenay Youth at Risk Foundation – Provide alternative programming and supports to students aged 15 to 18 to increase the high school graduation rate.

Since the program was launched in 2012, the Trust has been able to distribute slightly over $4 million to improving social well-being in our communities. Granting decisions are made by the Social Grants Program Selection Committee, a volunteer group of Basin residents that includes individuals who have experience and expertise in the social sector and individuals who have broader community development experience.

Social Grants is one way the Trust is assisting communities to improve the social well-being of residents in the Basin. Learn more about the goals and objectives of the Trust’s Social Initiatives in the Social Strategic Plan 2014-2019.

For more information about the program, visit cbt.org/2016socialgrants. To learn all the ways the Trust supports social well-being in the Basin, visit cbt.org/social.

Columbia Basin Trust supports the ideas and efforts of the people in the Columbia Basin. To learn more about the Trust’s programs and initiatives, and how it helps deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the Basin, visit cbt.orgor call 1.800.505.8998.


This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
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