
Critter Day: Get to know some of them a bit better.

By Contributor
May 2nd, 2016

By Angus Glass

Ever wanted to know more about who we share our landscape with—especially some of the smaller creatures that don’t get a lot of air time? Critter Day will fill that need and connect you with nature! The event takes place at Beaver Creek Provincial Park, south of Trail, on Saturday, May 7, between 1 and 5 p.m.

This fun, free, family event is jointly hosted by the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program and the Kootenay Conservation Program, with funding from FortisBC and Teck. 

Critter Day is a great opportunity to get up close and personal to some local amphibians, snakes, reptiles, aquatic bugs, fish, insects, butterflies and much more. Juvenile white sturgeon (relatively small creatures now, perhaps, but can become real “giants of the deep” as they grow) will also be on display before being released into the Columbia River.

Come and talk to biologists, enjoy kids’ activities, take a guided nature walk, learn about native plants, and how to entice native bees and other pollinators to your backyard.  

It is a great chance to learn about the special ecosystems in the Trail and Pend d’Oreille Valley region, and about the unique and at-risk plants and animals that call them home.

Take in all the activities of Trail’s Silver City Days at the same time. For more information about Critter Day, visit the Fish & Wildlife Program website at fwcp.ca or call 250-352-1300.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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