
Castlegar wins award for Celgar Pavilion at Millennium Park

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
September 29th, 2016

The City of Castlegar was one of six communities to receive Community Recognition awards from Wood WORKS! BC at the annual Union of BC Municipalities Convention in Victoria this week, in honour of the Celgar Pavilion at Millennium Park.

“We congratulate these six local governments for their visionary initiatives which resulted in beautiful new wood structures that truly enhance their communities and streetscapes,” said Lynn Embury-Williams, executive director of Wood WORKS! BC. “Each and every winner and nominee showcases ingenuity with wood building and design while demonstrating that wood cost-effectively fits many types, sizes and applications of local government buildings— airports, pavilions, and community facilities included. These projects also connect us with the wood story of our province and contribute to community pride, especially when using local labour and wood products. By choosing wood as the primary building material, they are also helping secure prosperity for all of B.C. and the many communities which depend on forestry.

“It’s noteworthy that many of the nominees made use of new and technologically advanced wood products and systems, which helped them achieve innovative and inspired buildings where people are happier at work and play,” she added. “Other benefits of wood include construction efficiency along with structural and environmental performance. With the surging interest in carbon footprint legislation and growing climate change aspirations from designers, owners and governments across the country, wood is poised to play a significant role in our future built environment to help us realize sustainability goals.”

“Wood WORKS! BC sincerely thanks B.C. local government associations for their participation and enthusiasm for the Community Recognition Awards, as the outcome is ultimately better and stronger communities in our province,” concluded Embury-Williams.

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