
Companies/organizations to access bridge lights for special events

Gwen Chernenkoff
By Gwen Chernenkoff
September 28th, 2016

Local businesses and organizations will be able to put Victoria Street Bridge’s celebrated new lights to use celebrating their own events and issues, after a unanimous vote by city council at its regular meeting Sept. 12.

Local non-profit and for-profit committees and organizations who wish to promote their events with specific light colours and sequences will now have this option using the lights’ regular software only. A $50/hour fee will be charged to the for-profit organizations utilizing the service. Depending on the complexity of the request, the time needed will vary.

The Victoria Street Bridge Lighting Project was initiated by The Downtown Opportunities and Action Committee to contribute to the downtown and Trail’s riverfront area.

“The Victoria Street Bridge Lighting Project is just one step forward in the revitalization of Trail’s downtown core and riverfront area,” says councillor Lisa Pasin. “We thank the DOAC for their work on this project and for bringing it to fruition. The lights are beautiful and enjoyed by those who view them. This policy will provide guidance for expanded usage of the lights on the Victoria Street Bridge.

“The basic concept is that non-profit groups can reap the benefit of additional promotion through usage of coloured lights, without an additional fee,” continues Pasin. “For-profit businesses will have to pay the fee.”

The city will make reasonable efforts to accommodate committees and organizations wanting to display their colours and promote their events.  Special light/music production software will only be used for special events hosted by the city or any other event under council`s direction.

“Requests for light colours and sequences for special events can be submitted to the City of Trail for consideration,” Pasin said. “Requests will: increase engagement of community members and groups; highlight and draw attention to special events that are occurring in the City; and offer an expanded repertoire of light shows that are available to the public for viewing.  For example, displaying orange for Trail Smoke Eater Games would serve to highlight to citizens that this event was occurring on that night. The team at City Hall will do their best to accommodate requests that are put forward.”

She said requests will be analyzed as submitted and partnership decisions will be made based on adherence to policy. 

“Creation of complex light shows is time intensive and requires specific training for individuals to build the program. As a result, production of this nature has been limited to special events, such as Silver City Days. As time progresses, the team at the city will become increasingly accustomed to programming options. We look forward to providing all residents and visitors to Trail a beautiful and visually appealing display of lights on an ongoing basis.”

She also said the Victoria Street Bridge Lighting project received $180,220 in sponsorship, for which city officials are grateful.

“Thank you to our generous sponsors, without whom, this project would not have been possible,” she said.  “I invite everyone to visit the recognition plaque along the Esplande. It’s a great spot to view the names of sponsors who contributed and also watch the light show.”


Categories: GeneralPolitics
