
A free trip to Ottawa, and more - will a local student go?

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
January 22nd, 2018

“Adventures in Citizenship” is an exciting Rotary Club of Canada program that can send successful applicants on a free trip to Ottawa to learn first-hand and in-depth about how government works in Canada, with tours, entertainment, and a privilege granted to few ordinary citizens:  meetings and discussions with staff members of the House of Commons, the Speaker of the House, and foreign and Canadian diplomats.  The program changes slightly from year to year.

The students may also speak with national and international leaders in social justice, and take part in a presentation on human rights, and peace and conflict resolution.  And dinner and dancing! On the fourth and final day, they may attend a special session of Citizenship Court, where they can participate, and witness new Canadians receiving their citizenship. The tour will wind down with a farewell luncheon, with student “Adventurers” themselves as the guest speakers – representing each province and territory.

Interested students should begin preparing their applications, scan them and submit them to Steve Cutt at  steve.cutt@septen.com  by the deadline of February 15, 2018. This year, there will be only 200 students chosen from across Canada. Rossland Rotary will be able to send one student between the ages of 16 and 18 (must be 16 by May 2, 2018). The trip takes place from April 28 to May 2, 2018.

Besides the amazing gift of this all-expenses paid trip and all the fun and learning that goes with it, the student “Adventurers in Citizenship” may be eligible to receive a $1000 scholarship from the Young Citizens Foundation, in partnership with Rotary, to put toward their first-year, post-secondary tuition. There will be three such scholarships granted this year.

The Rotary Club of Rossland encourages students from J.L. Crowe and Seven Summits Centre for Learning to apply.  Applicants must be Canadian citizens, and will be interviewed by Rotarians.  They must also have excellent academic standing, and have demonstrated leadership ability, and have done community service. Part of the application must be a short (~250 word) essay on what being Canadian means to the applicant, or a 30 – 90 second video.

To see the 2017 winning video, click this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZHgWRbMdK0

To read the 2017 winning essay, click this link:  https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000007975/en-ca/files/homepage/2017-essay-winner/Winning-essay2017.pdf

For more information, go to: http://rotaryottawa.com/page/welcome-to-the-rotary-adventure-in-citizenship-program

And here’s the application form:



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