
Help the Brilliant Cultural Centre win $100,000 for the kids

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 30th, 2018

Play time in Castlegar may be getting a $100,000 boost, if the Brilliant Cultural Centre wins a province-wide competition.

The Brilliant Cultural Centre is located just outside Castlegar.  The large centre is one of the hearts of the community, hosting large and diverse events for the region, while also hosting the Children’s Orchard Preschool. The Brilliant Cultural Centre playground is in a beautifully natural and shaded location making it a go to spot for all seasons, especially hot summers.

“I drive from out-of-town to this play space specifically because it is fenced and treed,” said Cheryl Tereposky, a mom of two young girls.

However, the playground was built over 30 years ago and has finally become beyond repair and is unsafe. It will be torn down this summer.

“I can’t play in parts of our playground because of slivers and wasps,” said Moss, a four-year-old preschool student. “ It also gets slippery when wet and I’m scared to fall.”

It is exciting that the Brilliant Cultural Centre is a finalist in the BCAA Play Here competition. This competition is a way for BCAA to help give children in BC better places to play. At the end of the contest period, the top three voted play spaces will be awarded up to $100,000 to revitalize their space.

“If we win this competition and get the much-needed funds to build a new play space, our goal is for it to be a unique play space for all ages,” said Ira Mikhaylova, one of the preschool teachers. “It will be a safe place with accessibility options that also nurtures nature play.”

Now the Brilliant Cultural Centre needs your support and votes to win this competition. As the only Kootenay play space in the competition, they hope to get support and votes from all over the West and East Kootenays.

Here are some simple instructions to vote and help their campaign:

1.      Go to www.bcaaplayhere.com

2.       Find the Brilliant Cultural Centre on the list (They are the 1st one listed).

3.      Click the ‘Vote’ button on the bottom right hand corner.

4.      Vote up to FOUR times EVERY day until June 17. You can vote on each of the following platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Email (You need to confirm your vote through your email address when email voting).

5.      Share this campaign with all your friends and family through social media, email, and face-to-face! Use #BrilliantCulturalCentrePlayHere wherever possible.

6.      Contact brilliantculturalplay@gmail.com if you would like to help with their campaign.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
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