
Milling and Paving in Trail, November 8 to 12, 2021

City of Trail
By City of Trail
November 7th, 2021

Beginning on Monday, November 8, 2021 Selkirk Paving Ltd. will be milling and paving various sections of roadway throughout the City, pending favourable weather. The work is expected to conclude on Friday, November 12, 2021. Selkirk will begin on the 900 Block of Nelson Avenue, followed by the intersection of Binns Street and Old Rossland Avenue, 1900 Block of Fifth Avenue and lastly the 3700 Block of Carnation Drive.

  • Please follow all traffic control persons or signage.
  • Police and emergency access will be maintained at all times.
  • There will be increased truck traffic in the construction area. Please be aware and use extra caution while driving.
  • There may be noise as a result of the construction – local noise bylaws will be followed.
  • There may be some vibration and increased levels of dust near the work site – dust control measures will be followed.

This project serves to improve local infrastructure, and we thank you for your patience and cooperation.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact:

City of Trail
David Moorhead, Grounds & Roads Superintendent
Phone: 250-364-0840
dmoorhead@trail.ca  or publicworks@trail.ca  

Categories: Politics
