
Council Candidate Bev Benson - in her own words

By Contributor
October 13th, 2022

My name is Bev Benson, and I am seeking your support for City Council. I was born and raised in Trail, hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Chemistry, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management. I have worked for Teck Metals for 16 years and am Section Leader, Administration & Operations Support.

The citizens of Trail deserve solid, cohesive leadership and I can be a positive, enthusiastic contributor to city governance. My enthusiasm is bolstered by a sound education, years of corporate experience, and a lifetime of volunteering.

Small business is at the heart of my family. I have tremendous compassion for every small business working their way through pandemic restrictions, security issues, labour shortages and now a looming recession. I recognize that part of being an effective communicator is listening. We need to listen to our business community and rally around them. Getting back to City Hall in person as a unified team is imperative.

I love this city. As a former dancer and dance instructor, I was afforded the opportunity to participate in community events and contribute to their success. I managed entertainment for the opening and closing ceremonies of the BC Senior Games in 2011 and co-choreographing the flash mob for the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay at the Cominco Arena. As both a candidate and royalty for the Trail Ambassador Programme

in 2000, I saw the benefit in touring the province helping to promote our city. I was part of the team that revitalized the programme in 2008 and it continues to thrive and present a worthwhile, skill-based opportunity for Trail’s young women. More recently, I joined the board of directors of Community Futures Greater Trail, where I have sharpened my understanding around board governance. I have enjoyed supporting growth in our area, specifically new and exciting entrepreneurs looking to make their living here.

During COVID-19, I began watching council meetings and was motivated to put my name forward for

public service, with a mindset to focus on issues affecting you and collaboration despite opposing views. There are several issues facing Trail right now; I promise to take advice, be resourceful, and work collaboratively and respectively with my fellow councillors. As a leader in my work, I know what it takes to inspire and contribute to a functional, respectful, effective team.

My personal priorities include fostering positive culture for both council and staff, and respectful dialogue with you. In achieving this, we can restore confidence in council and effect the change this city so desperately needs. I have enjoyed the process of meeting the other candidates for council. It is so exciting to imagine what this new council could look like and achieve with such diverse skillsets and backgrounds.

It is hard to present yourself without sounding cliché or repetitive. I primarily want electors to know that I am a well-rounded individual who is not coming to the table with a personal agenda or stuck on any one issue. I have always loved my city and I have been so fortunate to not only grow up here, but return to work here, near my family, in my field of study.

Categories: Op/EdPolitics


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