
Five regional parks proposed in Ktunaxa RDCK Traditional Use Study Summary Report

Timothy Schafer Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
By Timothy Schafer Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
November 1st, 2023

There are five areas for regional parks being proposed under the recently released Ktunaxa and regional district report which contain traditional use significance.

The report — Ktunaxa RDCK Traditional Use Study (TUS) Summary Report — provided a review of proposed areas for the regional parks, with traditional use study documents from past projects, documentation of the project sites and areas from a Ktunaxa perspective, and identification of Ktunaxa places, practices, and species or resources that may be influenced.

The five locations include: Kyanukxu ʔa·kinmituk (Goat River South); Kayaqaniskuwal (West Creston Ferry Landing); ʔsanca (Martell Beach); Kwataq̓nuk (Crawford Creek Regional Park); and Sina ʔaknuxuʔnuk (Powerline Beach).

The study has contributed much to the process, noted a Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) report from regional parks planner Mark Crowe on the matter.

“The TUS improves our understanding of Yaqan Nukiy and Ktunaxa culture and also provides understandings where consultation and collaboration can continue to occur,” he said. “Should the RDCK proceed with the development of any of the potential parks locations further engagement is required with Yaqan Nukiy and Ktunaxa Nation Council (KNC) staff.”

The TUS summary report provided highlighted the potential for impacts from the establishment of the proposed RDCK regional parks.

“We will hope to provide recommendations for management of the proposed parks, and highlight opportunities for collaborative management and stewardship of the parks,” said Crowe.

The RDCK review includes a review of impacts and opportunities by recreational development in the five proposed areas.

Crowe stressed that the RDCK is not committing to creating parks at any of the locations which were studied. Resources will be required to engage people in park planning and management planning should the need arise.

Planning background

  • A “considerable amount” of strategic planning work (RDCK board priorities, Kootenay Lake Shoreline Guidance Document and Recreation Masterplan) has been done which identifies the importance of cultural values;
  • TUS work is in alignment with RDCK strategic board priorities associated with supporting and exploring partnership and potential opportunities with First Nations. “This work is moving towards reconciliation with First Nation through respectful interactions and exploring partnership”;
  • The RDCK is a partner for the Kootenay Lake Shoreline Guidance Document (2020) which includes a commitment to Ktunaxa cultural values and enhanced engagement when planning development activities along Kootenay Lake. Crawford Creek, Martell Beach and Powerline Beach are identified in the document as requiring enhanced engagement;
  • The Recreation Masterplan identifies the desire to implement a consolidated regional parks services; and
  • The Recreation Masterplan recommends acquiring land for the development of park sites including access to water.

Source: RDCK Oct. 19 agenda

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