
Advertise With Us


The Castlegar Source
The Rossland Telegraph

The Trail Champion

To discuss your ad options including regional ads across all papers, please contact:

Contact: Kyra Hoggan
Phone: 250.365.5972
email: khoggan@telus.net


  • More than 100,000 visits a month from the West Kootenay and around the world
  • 250,000 page-views a month

It’s official, more people are now reading their news online than on traditional paper papers. In fact, according to a Pew Research Survey, online news readers now compose 40% of news consumers, as opposed to just 35% for paper papers. The Internet is simply a better medium for communication. A website is far more interactive. It promises to expand the potential of dialogue, but more importantly, to give people a voice. We believe this to be a significant way of enhancing the dynamic of a community. But also, the Internet a better green alternative. It requires 70,000 trees a week to print the New York Times. Given all these variables, it simply no longer makes any sense to have a paper paper. Lone Sheep’s West Kootenay newspapers, Castlegar Source, Trail Champion, and Rossland Telegraph are responding to the challenges of the 21st century in new and innovative ways. Readers of Lone Sheep online news sites range locally from throughout the West Kootenay/Boundary regions as well as Okanagan, Lower Mainland, Alberta and even from as far away as Britain and the Middle East.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to reach your clients, and anywhere in the world with access to the Internet, this page showcases the four types of ad spaces that we offer. For each space, there is an option to purchase a frontpage, or non-frontpage option. The front-page option also offers your ad being included with our weekly email issues to our subscribers. Last but not least, your ad can be linked to your own website, a file, or another page on your chosen site where you can expand on the message you want to send your customers.