

Former Israeli Airforce Helicopter Pilot Speaks at Mir Lecture Series Event

Former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) helicopter pilot Yonatan Shapira’s outlook on the violent struggle in the Gaza Strip and West Bank changed dramatically 12 years ago and for more than a decade he has been traveling the world in an effort to bring change through non-violent means. Shapira will bring his insight on the Israeli...

Aboriginal elders provide broader understanding at Selkirk College

Wisdom and perspective from regional Aboriginal Elders is now available to Selkirk College students through a new program at the Gathering Place on the Castlegar Campus. In late-September, the Elders Program was launched at a gathering that included individuals from around the region who joined with Selkirk College students...

More students deciding independent schools better than public

Private school enrolment across Canada is up by almost 17 per cent while public school enrolment has decreased eight per cent, according to a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. The study, Where Our Students are Educated: Measuring Student Enrolment...

This time teachers, SD 8 agree new curriculum gets top marks

A new support plan was announced Monday to help teachers around the province get the training and information they need to successfully implement the new curriculum. The plan was revealed by Minister of Education Mike Bernier and B.C. Teachers’ Federation president Jim Iker and incorporates $100 million worth of dedicated...

Kootenay Lake School District staff scramble to fix scheduling problems caused by My Education B.C. data system

A new student information system is causing issues at L.V. Rogers Secondary School, leaving some students with unwanted gaps in their timetables. Some students at L.V. Rogers in Nelson and Prince Charles Secondary School in Creston are finding out the hard way that there just aren’t enough teachers available for the number ...

Create a Chance by Taking at a Chance at Selkirk College Fundraising Dinner

Leaping into the financial unknown at the upcoming fundraising evening for the Selkirk College Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Program will inject an extra dose of excitement into an event that aims to bring an international component to a highly anticipated offering. A Mir Centre for Peace Fundraising Dinner is set for September...

Local tragedy leads Castlegar family to support peace studies

A freak accident involving a firearm took the life of a young Castlegar man almost 33 years ago, but the legacy of Philip Mark Malekow continues to this day. On Sept. 26, 1982, Malekow and a friend were out for a Sunday drive when they picked up a pair of female hitchhikers. After they dropped the passengers off at their...

Preventing suicide by reaching out

Overall, an estimated 3,900 Canadians and 800, 000 people worldwide die by suicide each year, yet it remains a taboo subject that is often not openly discussed.   Here in B.C. we lose an average of 500 people a year to suicide. The effects can be devastating to our families and our communities. Suicide prevention is a shared...

Selkirk College’s Health Care Assistant Program Coming to Kaslo

One of Selkirk College’s most popular programs is extending its reach into smaller West Kootenay communities in an effort to help fill in-demand jobs in regional health care. The Health Care Assistant Program puts graduates on the frontlines of health care assisting clients with personal care, nutrition and mobility. Based ...

Free course on copyright for artists

With the massive amount of media being easily shared digitally, how do we know what's fair to use or what others can use of ours? Recent court cases with Canadian artists emphasize the importance of understanding copyright. Presenting and accessing creative works–‐art, photography, video, writing, music–‐is easier than ever...

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