

It’s the economy, dippers

The NDP leadership race suddenly seems like a very long, drawn out affair. Initially, there was much outrage – especially from Thomas Mulcair – at the suggestion that the party go along with what Jack Layton seemed to want: an earlier leadership convention in January. But now many in the party, lead by Winnipeg MP Pat Martin...

Forestry community gathers at Selkirk to discuss community involvement in forest management

The Kootenay forestry community gathered on Thursday, Dec. 1 at Selkirk College Castlegar campus to discuss how the forest industry and communities can work together more effectively, as part of the province-wide Healthy Forests – Healthy Communities initiative.About 60 people attended the dialogue, which was hosted by Selkirk...

First Nations network condemns newly revealed RCMP surveillance of Indigenous communities, activists

The Defenders of the Land (DotL), a network of Indigenous Communities, today condemned reports that in 2007, the Harper government established a national and international police surveillance network to spy on Indigenous Peoples and their supporters for defending Indigenous Peoples' self-determination and land rights. The...

IntegrityBC releases first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson

As part of its mandate to foster a dialogue between British Columbians and their MLAs, IntegrityBC today released the first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson (Independent).In the first video [attached], Bob Simpson discusses the impact of money on B.C. politics.“Social media is an ideal way for British Columbians...

NDP calls upon government to shut down horse slaughter industry

NDP MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) reacted today to a shocking investigation by the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) which revealed inhumane horse slaughter and other abuses at yet another Canadian slaughterhouse. “I join with so many Canadians who are sickened and disappointed that our government continues...

Turn it up!

For Syrians it’s an exhilarating experience simply to express honest political opinions out loud in a public place. For decades anti-regime gripes have been expressed in private, in whispers. Many were frightened to speak even in the home, lest the children repeat what they’d heard at school.But now people are screaming and...

Adorn your friends and family this holiday season

Don’t miss the Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College Annual Christmas Exhibit and Sale at the KSA campus next weekend on Dec. 9th and 10th. It’s a chance to see the latest designs and purchase some genuinely unique Christmas gifts.Exclusive finely handcrafted jewelry by emerging artists, as well as original work from...

Canadian youth delegates crash global polluters conference at COP17

On the day that Canada’s Environment Minister arrives in Durban, members of the Canadian Youth Delegation dressed in their BituMensWear “negotiator uniforms” and joined with organizers from around the globe at a protest at World Business Day during COP17 in Durban. Organized by the World Business Council for Sustainable...

My Rx for Occupy Vancouver success

I hope the REAL Occupy Vancouver movement does not fade away. For MOST of our sakes, it MUST not. Their message--that the rich must STOP getting richer at the expense of the rest of us--must not die, or be forgotten, or cease to be advocated. promoted and brought to success in our society. Readers of this blog will know how...

KENYA: Food security concern as farmers change crops to coffee production

ELDORET, 23 November 2011 (IRIN) - The switch by many farmers in Kenya's Rift Valley province from staple cereals to more profitable coffee is likely to increase the country's dependence on grain imports and possibly affect food security, agricultural experts have warned."It is unsafe to use our land for crops with the hopes...

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