

Drunken danger may cost region free New Year's Eve bus services

The actions of as many as 200 intoxicated youth have BC Transit questioning the merit of continuing to provide free New Year’s Eve bus service in the Greater Trail/Rossland/Castlegar area. BC Transit corporate spokesperson Meribeth Burton said a scheduled 1 a.m. bus in Rossland New Year’s morning saw drunken teens behave in a manner so […]

Police reporting fewer impaireds; one abuse-of-toque scenario

The Mackenzie Brothers would be so proud, as a toque-related incident tops the holiday highlights released by Castlegar police. “Castlegar RCMP received 81 calls for service from Dec. 24 until Jan. 1,” said RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. “There were no notable spikes in any particular kind of crime. Christmas Eve and Day were relatively uneventful. […]

Police report busy-but-positive holiday activity

It was a busy, but not  earth-shattering, holiday season for Trail RCMP, according to RCMP top cop Sgt. Rob Hawton. “There were 117 files between Christmas and New Years,” Hawton said. “It’s been a fairly steady, fairly busy period. But those are also mostly routine calls, nothing that really stands out.” He said routine calls […]

New boss at helm of Trail Chamber of Commerce

The Trail and District Chamber of Commerce now has a new leader at its helm, after the abrupt and somewhat controversial departure of former executive director Maggie Stayanovich (see http://trailchampion.com/news/update-chamber-president-offers-clarification-22206#.UOSh5uQ0WSo ). Incoming executive director Norm Casler, 50, was already at his desk this afternoon (Wednesday), ready to hit the ground running. “The best thing for […]

Fire totals home in Trail's Gulch

Saturday night saw a single-family home in the Gulch essentially gutted by fire, according to regional fire chief Terry Martin. He said the call came in 1:03 a.m. Dec. 29, after the residents of the rental home at 816 Rossland Ave. noticed smoke coming up from the stairwell. “They went and checked, and saw flames […]

OP/ED: Is BC heading for its own fiscal cliff?

The Government of BC has been on a borrowing and spending spree for about eight years. A lot of this is being done using the “Public-Private Partnership” model (P3) of which the former Premier Campbell was exceedingly fond. In fact, he was such a leading proponent in Canada that the commercial interests behind the...

2012 Kootenay Contraption Contest sets record for entries, solves looming energy crisis

How will we use less energy in the year 2050? That answer just became a little clearer courtesy the hopes, dreams, imagination and creativity of 143 Kootenay Boundary students. The annual Kootenay Contraption Contest put on by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST), GLOWS (Growing Learning Opportunities ...

Ring in the New Year and survive the next day

Ringing in the New Year often leaves us with the echo of ringing in our ears and groggy thoughts for the first day of the year. Whether you follow George Clooney’s advice to avoid hangovers in the first place, sweat it out in a workout like Daniel Craig, or resort to the trusty “hair of […]

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: What was important in 2012

I’ve been trying for days to pen a year-in-review column, and God knows there’s no lack of material. Just within our little business world, there’s been the launch of The Trail Champion, The Castlegar Source’s Facebook supremacy (yes, that was a little bit of a brag, I’m so very delighted to see 1,632 people following […]

Parents of B.C. newborns named Liam and Emma not alone

Parents naming their newborn baby Liam and Emma are not alone according to the 140th edition of the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency Annual Repor. Liam and Emma are the most popular names for B.C. babies born in 2011 according to the annual report from the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency. The most widely selected […]