

Kettle River Q&A - How are the fish doing in our rivers?

These are special rivers. Providing some of the best river fishing opportunities in the region, the Kettle, West Kettle and Granby support several important fish stocks, including seven species at risk and native rainbow trout stock that grow larger than 50 cm. However, the quality of the Kettle for fishing has deteriorated...

LETTER: Mule deer populations struggle outside of GF

A recent poll in the city of Invermere overwhelmingly supported a deer cull but as expected the much larger question was ignored -- the future of the mule deer. With the exception of the city of Grand Forks and Vancouver Island the urban deer phenomena is driven by the mule deer which is in serious population decline in our...

Toronto police bring down international child pornography ring

At least 386 children have been saved from child exploitation around the world, thanks to Project Spade – a massive, international investigation headed by the Toronto Police Service (TPS). The TPS started investigating a Toronto-based individual that was suspected of sharing graphic images of children being sexual abused in...

LETTER: Reminder to give credit to philanthropists on national day

Dear Editor, November 15th is National Philanthropy Day in Canada. While this is a day that is celebrated around the world, Canada is the first to officially recognize it as a national day (this type of thing makes me proud to be Canadian!). This is a time to celebrate and thank those that give beyond themselves. The great ...

BCFB numbers on the rise earlier than usual this year

Boundary Community Food Bank (BCFB) numbers have increased in the last few months and if this trend continues it could mean more need for community support with just seven weeks until Christmas. October’s numbers reached 288 this year, compared to 189 in 2012 – a rise of almost 100 new clients. This number is closer to the ...

LETTER: Deer populations suffer despite what Ministry says

Updated Last July the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources announced that the province’s wildlife populations are healthy. The Ministry’s statement is a perfect example of what happens when governments turn their back on transparency and accountability. After all, any attempt at due diligence will quickly reveal...

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

Mediated talks between FortisBC & IBEW 213 break off

Any signs of optimism expressed with news that FortisBC and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 started mediation bargaining to end an already eight-week long lockout Wednesday short-circuited not long thereafter. FortisBC and IBEW Local 213 negotiators returned to the bargaining table in Vancouver...

Slocan residents rally to clean fuel spill on their own

In the aftermath of the jet fuel spill into Lemon Creek and the Slocan River, residents brainstormed to create their own solutions for clean up as Executive Flight Centre, whose tanker spilled 33,000 liters of jet fuel into Lemon Creek on July 26, some feel is neglecting to fully clean up their mess. On Aug.12, residents...

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