

MP Atamanenko supports Charter rights for RCMP

MP Alex Atamanenko has taken up the cause of various professional police associations across the country in their efforts to obtain an effective labour relations system for the RCMP, based on the principle of collective bargaining. Currently, the RCMP is the only police agency in Canada that does not have the right to collectively bargain with […]

Steelworkers International president comes to the West Kootenays

Leo Gerard, the international president of the United Steelworkers is coming to the Kootenays on October 2. He will be speaking at a fundraising dinner for the Kootenay West NDP at the Labour Centre in Trail. “It’s a great honour for us to get such a distinguished labour leader to speak at our dinner in […]

BP says well is sealed, but oily Gulf and accountability questions remain

By Marian Wang in ProPublicaBP announced on Sunday that its ruptured well in the Gulf has at last been sealed, bringing to a close the five-month struggle of the company — and the Obama administration — to control and permanently plug the “nightmare well” that killed 11 workers and caused the worst oil spill in the history ...

BC Greens call on Premier Gordon Campbell legislate changes to the Initiative Act

 “Like others, I was astonished by Premier Campbell’s statement that the result of the Initiative vote on September 24, 2011 will be binding on the government if a simple majority of those voting vote to get rid of the HST,” said Green Party of BC Leader Jane Sterk. “Greens want to know if the comment […]

Scientists Discover Thick Layer of Oil Stretching for Miles on Gulf Sea Floor

By Marian Wang in ProPublicaScientists conducting research in the Gulf have found a thick layer of oily sediment on the ocean floor stretching for miles. "We have to [chemically] fingerprint it and link it to the Deepwater Horizon," Samantha Joye, a marine scientist at the University of Georgia, told NPR. "But the sheer...

Mir Lecture brings Suzuki to Castlegar

David Suzuki will be engaging audiences in the West Kootenay this September with a thought-provoking talk about an elder’s vision for our sustainable future. The Irving K. Barber lecture featuring David Suzuki is part of Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series. The presentation is founded on his recent book THE...

Cleanup of Teck waste begins at Black Sand Beach: access closed during construction

Pending approval of a final permit, contractors will begin work between Sept. 13 and Sept. 20, 2010 to remove granulated slag at Black Sand Beach on the upper Columbia River. The work is being conducted to clean up polluted material on the beach from the Teck Metals Ltd. (formerly Teck Cominco) smelter in Trail. The […]

Register now for 'Currents'--CBT's youth water forum

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) invites Basin youth ages 15-29 to sign up now for CURRENTS: Columbia Basin Trust Youth Water Forum 2010, being held at Halcyon Hot Springs in Nakusp, September 24-26, 2010.  “CBT is looking forward to engaging youth in water issues in the Columbia Basin for a second year at CURRENTS,” said Heather Mitchell, CBT Program Manager, Water […]

After Katrina, New Orleans cops were told they could shoot looters

By Sabrina Shankman and Tom Jennings of Frontline, Brendan McCarthy and Laura Maggi of The New Orleans Times-Picayune and A.C. Thompson of ProPublica This story was co-published with The New Orleans Times-Picayune. In the chaotic days after Hurricane Katrina, an order circulated among New Orleans police authorizing officers...

ATAMANENKO: Living with autism

Autism is the most common neurological disorder that affects children in our nation. Currently, one in every 200 people in Canada has been diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If we look specifically at children, this number jumps up to one in 165, or .6 per cent of all children. Diagnoses are […]