

Letter: Urgent need for understanding and cooperation

To The Editor:   August 6th marked the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.   The “official” story presents this bombing as a way to end the Second World War. I question this interpretation chiefly because Hiroshima was not a military target, it was a city inhabited largely by women, children and the […]

A Cycling Salmon and the Columbia River Treaty

This weekend, Graeme Lee Rowlands reached the end of an impressive six-week journey across the Columbia Basin. Calling himself “the anadromous cyclist”(in reference to the Columbia River’s spawning fish), the 22-year-old university student has spent the past month cycling up the river – from its mouth...

The B.C. government's dark ops

As the new B.C. government settles in and email accounts are transferred over, it’ll soon be time for them to pluck up the courage to check the cellar. The nooks and crannies of government operations, if you will. Some of what they’ll find may come as a shock. Think of it as the former government […]

OP/ED: Credit union protests being forbidden to use any derivative of the word 'bank'

On Friday, June 30, the federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) issued an advisory that essentially banned credit unions from using the term “banking” to describe the services they offer Canadians. Their advisory takes a strict interpretation of the Bank Act, and based on this interpretation, the federal government could lay criminal […]

Ontario electricity prices fastest growing in Canada; Toronto bills highest nationwide

Ontario electricity prices increased twice as fast as the national average over the past decade, and the average Toronto resident now pays $60 more per month than the average Canadian for electricity, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian policy think-tank. “Electricity is a necessity, and Ontario’s high […]

Editorial: A parting shot from Christy Clark's government -- shocking but not surprising

While four of six Tsilhqot’in communities are evacuated due to raging wildfires surrounding  their communities,  Christy Clark’s outgoing Liberal government has granted permits to Taseko Mines to conduct extensive pre-construction exploration and drilling for the New Prosperity  mine proposal in a place precious to the Tsilhqot’in Nation.  Never mind that the federal government has twice […]

Concerns about Canada’s $2 trillion in household debt overblown; net worth has increased to $10.3 trillion

Canadian household debt has increased significantly since 1990—but so has the value of household assets, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “Despite alarmist headlines, concerns about Canadian household debt levels can be overblown. When looking at debt levels it’s important to consider the degree […]

Opinion: Sexual assaults happen in the summertime, too. And some of us are still in the dark ages about it.

The headline above notwithstanding, people who suffer sexual assault in our region have many resources and many enlightened people available to help with all aspects of the ordeal and its aftermath.  Trail FAIR is there to help, and Victims’ Assistance.  And I have  no reason to believe that this region’s RCMP  personnel are anything but […]

Improving Parliament: can we do it?

It’s summertime.  We’re all on holiday, right?  Who wants to think about stuff like governance at this time of year? On the other hand, can we afford to stop thinking about it, given how things are at the highest levels of Canadian politics?    I say we need a fundamental change in the dynamics of […]


Interior Health teams across IH West are working closely with emergency officials from several agencies to respond to the wildfire activity around the communities we serve. Together, we are carefully considering the best options for our patients and staff who are located where significant wildfire activity is ongoing.   Since...

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