

Interfor workers in Castlegar/Grand Forks ratify five-year deal

A meeting in Castlegar Monday saw Interfor workers vote overwhelmingly in favour of a new five-year deal, according to a press release issued this morning: Following four days of bargaining in late February with INTERFOR for members at the Castlegar and Grand Forks Sawmills, USW Local 1-405 and 1-423 announced today that the...

Second area community opts out of Trail recreation program

The already-contentious City of Trail Recreation program has sustained another blow, as Warfield has now followed Beaver Valley's lead and opted out of the Trail Resident Program (TRP) rate structure. In a release issued this morning, Trail mayor Dieter Bogs expressed distress over Warfield's decision, arguing it may force ...

LETTER: Our Canada Post matters to everyone!

Dear Editor: Last night I attended an information meeting about the changes coming to Canada Post. I was very disappointed that only 31 people attended the meeting - six of those were the guest presenters - probably 10 members of the public and the rest were postal employees. Did you know that in December 2013 Canada Post...

LETTER: Reconsider leasing land agreements

Recently three prominent conservation organizations: Ducks Unlimited, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and the Nature Trust of B.C. were highly critical of the B.C. Liberal Government’s agenda of increasing grazing leases from 10 years to 20-25 years. The criticism was directed at range tenures that included the lands ...

COMMENT: Horsemeat -- Unsafe for Human Consumption

Horses are not raised according to the food safety protocols required of food animals. The wide array of highly toxic medications they are commonly administered convinces me that horsemeat poses an unacceptable risk to the health of those who consume it.  In the hopes of legislating severe restrictions on Canada’s horse...

Provincial government responds to Parks Act Amendments

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Environment says that the recently proposed amendments to the Park Act  (Bill 4) would not allow industrial activity in parks.   The provincial government recently voted 43-35 in favour of moving a controversial bill to amend the Parks Act through its second reading in the Legislature. ”In fact,” said […]


Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) couldn’t be more pleased that Humane Society International/Canada has launched a new campaign to support his private members bill C-571 that will severely restrict the slaughter of horses for human consumption. Parliament will be debating Bill C-571 at the end of this month. “There...

OP/ED: Water metres -- not that scary

I was surprised at the reaction the public has had towards water metres. Not floored, change is uncomfortable and there is almost always a backlash. What surprised me is how vehement and ongoing the reaction has been. I’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled quite a bit and lived in many parts of the world. In most places...

BC government rolls out two-part plan to sell liquor in grocery stores

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the B.C. government: The B.C. government has outlined a unique, two-part model for liquor sales in grocery stores that will ensure convenience and choice for consumers, promote B.C. products and create jobs. Following the B.C. Liquor Policy Review - one of the B.C. government's...

City holds its breath for Kraft Hockeyville annnouncement

The big day's almost here – this Saturday, we'll be finding out if Castlegar is a semi-finalist in the Kraft Hockeyville competition, and in the running for $100,000 of arena upgrades and the opportunity to host an NHL exhibition game. This means lobbying support from far outside city boundaries, as the winning community could...

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