

River Talks — Indigenous man challenges BC Government

For the next several weeks, history is being made at the Nelson, B.C. courthouse, as an indigenous man named Rick Desautel sets the love of his ancestors against the logical machinery of the provincial government.  While this case arguing for the right of an “extinct” man to hunt in his territory may not seem to have much...

Cops for Kids Ride Wraps Up Successful Ride

After 10 days on the road, they’ve cycled into the hearts of 18 communities around South Eastern BC.  Cops for Kids riders were welcomed home Sunday September 18th from the 15th annual Cops for Kids Ride.  The team of 28 was cycling across the southern interior in order to raise money for children in medical, physical, or...

City seeks to recoup legal fees from Officer convicted of assault

The City of Nelson has decided to try to recoup legal fees from former Constable Drew Turner. "At the September 20th board meeting, the Nelson Police Board reached a decision to recover legal fees from former Officer Drew Turner for defense of assault charges laid against Mr. Turner in 2014," said the City of Nelson media...

Smoke/sirens at Teck the result of minor mishap

Teck officials are assuring area residents that sirens and visible smoke at Teck Trail this morning were the result of a minor incident, and no cause for concern. Catherine Adair, community relations leader at Teck, said the situation was just minutes, not hours, in duration, and happened between about 9 and 9:30 a.m. “There...

Trail and Beaver Valley reach recreation agreement

The City of Trail’s Recreation Negotiating Committee and the Beaver Valley Parks and Recreation Committee (BV Rec) have reached a five-year recreation agreement, effective Nov. 1, 2016. BV Rec will contribute $125,000 annually to allow Beaver Valley (BV) residents to utilize Trail Parks and Recreation facilities, programs and...

Specialized 9 -1-1 text service for Deaf and Speech- Impaired now available in our region

Today Regional District Kootenay Boundary along with eight other Regional Districts in the Central and Southern Interiors of B.C. announced the availability of a specialized text service that allows people who are Deaf/Deaf-Blind, Hard-of -Hearing or Speech Impaired (DHHSI) to communicate with 9-1-1 call-takers by text. This...

Open fires to be permitted in parts of southeast B.C.

Effective at 12 p.m. on Sept. 20, Category 2 open fires will once again be permitted throughout the Southeast Fire Centre, due to a decreased risk of wildfire in the region. At the same time, Category 3 open fires will once again be permitted in the Columbia Fire Zone. However, Category 3 open fires will remain prohibited in...

Costs to live in Nelson far exceed means of an average family of four: report

The city has become too expensive for a low-income family of four to live in, according to a new study conducted by the Nelson at its Best steering committee. In drafting the city’s first poverty reduction strategy, the committee found it cost an average family of four a total of over $5,400 per month to live in the city — ...

First Annual Doxie Fun Fest raises money for SPCA

The 1st Annual Doxie Fun Fest was a rainy one, but that didn’t stop the hounds from gathering and having fun Saturday, Sept 17 at Gyro Park in Trail. There was a total of 25 Doxie’s with their proud owners join together for Wiener racing and contests.  This event was a great success in raising donations for the SPCA. Doxie ...

Selkirk College Celebrates 50th Birthday

Selkirk College marked 50 years of post-secondary education in the West Kootenay and Boundary region at its Homecoming Weekend in Castlegar. Events throughout this past weekend included a Board of Governors & President’s Reception on Friday night, a Community Pancake Breakfast and re-enactment of The Great Trek on Saturday...

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