

Hwys 3A and 6 closed at Playmore Junction by vehicle engulfed in flame

Highways 3A and 6 at the Playmore junction between Castlegar and Nelson were closed tonight after a car burst into flame. Crescent Valley fire chief Glenn Leidloff said the incident was totally unrelated to the storms that plagued the area earlier in the day. “We got the call at roughly 8 p.m., and we were […]

Summer storm drops 55mm of rain on West Kootenay, Nelson escapes brunt of Mother Nature's wrath

Motorists drove through water up to headlights and a man frolicked in a rubber dinghy on Baker Street but the City of Nelson escaped major damage after Mother Nature dumped upwards of 50 millimeters of rain on the West Kootenay Tuesday afternoon. “All of Ward Street was like a raging river . . .. The […]

Thrums homes being evacuated, mudslides throughout Castlegar

The storm already seems to be slacking, but chances are the consequences are just beginning to be felt after a fierce thunderstorm pummelled Castlegar Tuesday afternoon. Source readers reported sunny skies in Trail and along Highway 3, but as drivers drew near Genelle at roughly 2:30 p.m., they were treated to hot sun and a […]

No new developments at Johnsons Landing recovery site; No one missing/injured in subsequent Fairmont slide

Two teams continue to search the Johnsons Landing landslide, where two people are still missing and presumed dead. According to BC Coroner’s Service spokesperson Barb McLintock, communications are better today, with radio contact available, but as of 2:30 p.m., there was nothing new to report. “There are two search teams, one searching along the line […]

Second body found Monday at Johnson Landing as recovery operation continues

The BC Coroners Service is confirming that the recovery team found a second human body Monday afternoon at the site of the Johnson Landing mudslide on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake. “We did find remains of a female this afternoon, (however) identification has been not confirmed,” Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe told The Nelson Daily […]

Johnson Landing search changed to recovery mission after body found Sunday

The BC Coroners Service announced during a briefing Sunday in Kaslo the rescue operation at Johnson Landing has been changed to a recovery operation. “You were informed this afternoon that the site had no longer deemed a search and rescue operation but now would be a recovery operation,” Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe told the media […]

Search resumes; government explains email warning of potential slide

The search for four people missing after a landslide Thursday in Johnsons Landing was resumed at 8 a.m., after geo-technologists determined that last night’s rain did not leave the site too unstable for the 70+ searchers, dogs and equipment. A father, his two grown daughters, and a female tourist from Germany have been listed as […]

Update Sat. afternoon: Search continues with roughly 70 people, three dog teams

Saturday afternoon: As of 4 p.m., HUSAR, local SARS, RCMP have roughly 70 people in total on ground, with spotters in place above search area as safety measure, as the search continues for four people missing after a landslide in Johnsons Landing. Emergency Operations Centre spokesman Bill Macpherson said there are three police dog teams also […]

Premier makes statement re: Johnsons Landing landslide

Premier Christy Clark made the following statement on yesterday’s land slide in the community of Johnsons Landing: “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and the loved ones of the individuals still missing due to yesterday’s devastating land slide at Johnsons Landing on Kootenay Lake. “On behalf of all British Columbians, I want […]

Johnsons Landing resident said Gar Creek fluctuating for past few days

A massive mudslide Thursday that destroyed at least one home, or as many as five depending on who you talk, has residents in Johnsons Landing feeling uneasy about the stability of the terrain near creeks. Gail Spliter, who lives approximately one kilometer north of the Gar Creek slide, told The Nelson Daily Thursday afternoon that […]

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