

COMMENT: 2013 should be the year of the democracy coalition

When historians write the chapter on the current period of social democracy in Canada they might well conclude that the worst thing that happened to it was the 2011 election when the NDP got 103 seats it hadn’t really earned. It was such an unexpected event that the NDP could not cope with it. You could see it in the euphoria...

COMMENT: The power of Idle No More's resurgent radicalism

The remarkable Idle No More movement is the biggest and most important national outpouring of grassroots aboriginal anger ever seen in Canada. Not since the late 1960s when Indians (as they then referred to themselves) and Métis confronted governments with demands for justice has such a dramatic and passionate expression of...

OP/ED: Stephen Harper’s Christmas sermon--Why deny climate change?*

Canada is blessed. God has given us so many things that other countries want. And it’s all just there for the taking. Above the ground we have trees galore, waiting to be chopped down, water waiting to be piped to California. In the ground we’ve got gold and silver, copper and iron, uranium and asbestos. The list is almost ...

OP/ED: A Trudeau insults the West--so what else is new?

At least his father waited until he was in power before he gave the West the finger! But, just as I had suggested, Trudeau the Younger is so arrogant, so self-absorbed, and so dumb he has already insulted--and politically dismissed--an entire Western province, well before seeking the Liberal leadership, let alone becoming...

Canadian Bar Assn says Bill S-7 duplicates existing laws to combat terrorism

While committed to a safe and secure Canada, the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) says that Bill S-7, Criminal Code, Canada Evidence Act and Security of Information Act amendments (Combating Terrorism Act) would not provide any new tools to combat terrorist offences. “Instead,” says Paul Calarco, member of the CBA’s National ...

OP/ED: Give us back our money, tax cheats!

There is a class of people and corporations in this country whose illicit financial practices have an enormous negative impact on the country and its citizens. Yet the law and order regime of Stephen Harper barely plays lip service to the issue of tax evasion through tax havens. While Harper cuts billions from government...

Rick Mercer: “My Canada includes weird scientists who are devoted to keeping our water clean”

Last night on ‘The Rick Mercer Report,’ Canadian icon Rick Mercer put the Harper Government, “previously known as the Government of Canada,” to task over the termination of the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA). In one of his classic rants, Mercer tried to make sense of the senseless closure of the ELA, which will only save the...

OPINION: Economist predictions and mortgage terms

By: Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends No one truly knows where interest rates are headed. Yet, despite vast margins of error, all major financial institutions regularly publish rate predictions. If only we could assume that these economists were right - or even half right - it would be far easier to determine the lowest-cost...

Ontario Premier shocks landscape with resignation

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty shocked his Liberal caucus Monday night by resigning. McGuinty, 57, has led the Liberal party in Ontario since 1996 and was premier since 2003. ““Earlier today, I asked Yasir Naqvi, our party president, to convene a leadership convention at the earliest possible time,” McgGuinty said on the Liberal Party website. McGuinty, […]

COMMENT: Huge Chavez confronts (neo) liberal democracy

There has been much written about the erosion of democracy in Canada under the Liberals but even more egregiously under the Harper Conservatives (and PLEASE don’t call these libertarians “Tories”). There is a very long list of grievances from the abuse of prorogation, to deliberate sabotaging of Parliamentary Committees, to election robo-calls, to the gagging […]

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