

Because they can: Federal government rushed legislation

Good or bad? Does it really matter anymore? This is a question that weighs on the minds of many Canadians. Government legislation (bills) which would normally be put through the proper course of debate in the House of Commons has been miraculously deemed “what all Canadians want” and pushed through the system by using Time ...

Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace offers community mediation services

Mediation is the art of resolving conflict through peaceful means; through reflection on one’s own thoughts, values and feelings toward conflict, as well as relationships with others involved in the conflict.If this sounds like a useful practice for your life, be sure to take advantage of the new Mediation Services Program ...

Mushing passion shared by Rail Trail 200 directors

If you go out for a walk along the TransCanada Trail in Greenwood you may just be surprised by the call "Go Haw!"   If you should hear that call, you may want to stand to the side while Terri Meyer and her dog team race on by.   Meyer, a Greenwood resident and director for the Boundary's own annual Rail Trail 200 Dog Sled...

One man dead after avalanche in back country

A skier triggered avalanche left one man dead in Revelstoke, B.C. on Friday as a group of heli-skiers took to the backcountry.Ronald Gregory Sheardown, age 45, from Dubaï, a former Canadian from Stouffville, Ontario, was the victim of the heli-skiing avalanche on Friday, Dec. 30.Shearman was with a group of eleven skiers and...

Selkirk College recycling program celebrates 20 years of keeping it green

Selkirk College’s Recycling Department is celebrating 20 years of making the college a greener place to work.Established in 1991, the Recycling Department is run by the Kootenay Society for Community Living, a regional organization that provides support services for a range of people in communities throughout the Kootenays.When...

High school student files human rights complaint over politics of sports

A 16-year-old high school student launched a human rights complaint against B.C. School Sports and the Ministry of Education for discrimination after losing his chance to play volleyball this year.   Myles Christman, from Christina Lake, B.C., was ruled ineligible for competitive team play this year by B.C. School Sports...

COMMENT: Time to stand up for orderly marketing systems--our food security depends on it

There is a lot of spin from think tanks these days being spotlighted in the news suggesting that Canada needs to give up its orderly marketing tools such as our Supply Management (SM) system for dairy, poultry and eggs.  A lot of effort is going into convincing us that these ‘oppressive- government-run-collective-marketing-systems’...

Forestry community gathers at Selkirk to discuss community involvement in forest management

The Kootenay forestry community gathered on Thursday, Dec. 1 at Selkirk College Castlegar campus to discuss how the forest industry and communities can work together more effectively, as part of the province-wide Healthy Forests – Healthy Communities initiative.About 60 people attended the dialogue, which was hosted by Selkirk...

NDP calls upon government to shut down horse slaughter industry

NDP MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) reacted today to a shocking investigation by the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) which revealed inhumane horse slaughter and other abuses at yet another Canadian slaughterhouse. “I join with so many Canadians who are sickened and disappointed that our government continues...

Adorn your friends and family this holiday season

Don’t miss the Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College Annual Christmas Exhibit and Sale at the KSA campus next weekend on Dec. 9th and 10th. It’s a chance to see the latest designs and purchase some genuinely unique Christmas gifts.Exclusive finely handcrafted jewelry by emerging artists, as well as original work from...