

Potash and the Canadian corporate elite

So the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan drama is about to come to a head Wednesday with the Harper government’s decision on whether or not to approve the takeover bid by Australia’s mega corporation BHP Billiton.  Most are predicting that Harper will cave under the pressure from Brad Wall, Saskatchewan Party premier and...

Sinixt claim BC Timber Sales did not consult in issuing timber sale licence and stage protest

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily The one question BC Timber Sales forgot in their due diligence to allow logging on Perry Ridge was to ask the Sinixt Nation what they thought of issuing a timber sale licence for the parcel of land. As of Tuesday, the Sinixt have sent a message to BC Timber Sales, notifying the Crown...

Logging truck rolls over on sharp curve

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily There was no consonance in the accident Monday morning when a logging truck overturned on a sharp “S” curve on Highway 6 southeast of Salmo. Around 8:25 a.m. a northbound logging truck overturned on the highway just north of the Nelway Border Crossing, southeast of Salmo.   The truck had...

Twenty-one people charged with various drug trafficking offences in the West Kootenay/Boundary

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA “resource-intensive” investigation by the RCMP in the West Kootenay/Boundary region in the last four months has resulted in 21 people being charged with 43 drug trafficking offences. Members of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment plain clothes General Investigation Section embarked...

Jumbo updated contact information

Due to a cabinet shuffle on Monday, there are new contact people for the pending Jumbo Wild decision, advises a member of the West Kootenay EcoSociety.Coordinator David Reid said in wake of a pending decision on creating a “resort municipality” in the Jumbo Glacier Valley — to allow a 6,500-bed resort town — and the cabinet...

Rural development institute established by CBT and Selkirk College

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Information is a great tool in the kit of any municipality, allowing it to forge policy, planning and decision-making. However, it is in short supply for resource-starved rural governments in the West Kootenay. That will change after the announcement Saturday afternoon of an eight-year...

Nelson and area set to win in Waneta expansion

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Nelson is guaranteed a share in the over 400 new jobs created in the Waneta Dam expansion on the Pend d’Oreille River, says the Columbia Basin Trust’s vice president of investments.Johnny Strilaeff said a prescription is in place to ensure that 85 per cent of the new jobs will come from ...

The Green Party...of small business?

 When asked recently what she thought of Jack Layton’s proposal to increase the payout of the Canada Pension Plan (by gradually increasing premiums paid by workers and employers) Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party replied:“I’m not sure why Jack would propose that. I think that’s a very poor idea. It would constitute...

For Greens, going green means growing...greens

 BC Hydro estimates that they lose over $100 million annually to power stolen for grow ops. Hydro says it thinks smart meters can reduce the theft.“I’m always surprised when the BC Liberal government and a government utility like BC Hydro can’t see the obvious,” said Green Party of BC Leader Jane Sterk. “Not only does prohibition...

Reckless and ruinous: Harper's economics

What are the key issues that progressives need to be fighting to rid the country of Stephen Harper's wrecking crew? One is the tar sands and the Enbridge pipeline, which would see giant oil tankers plying the waters off the B.C. coast. Another key issue is the Harper government's oft-announced plan to begin its so-called...