

Chic Scott at the Rossland Museum

Well-known western Canadian mountaineer Chic Scott is scheduled to present a talk and show at the Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre – a “voyage of ski discovery” – on Wednesday, January 9, at 6:30 pm. Scott has a long history of climbing and ski mountaineering exploits, and he delights in sharing ...

Booty's Cabin at Strawberry Pass nearly destroyed

It may have been someone careless with a candle on Christmas Eve.  When a small group of skiers passing Booty’s Cabin early on Christmas morning noticed flames through the window, the flames were already a foot high and spreading. A Friends of the Rossland Range Society (FORRS) director says that, according to a firefighter...

Darkwoods Conservation Area to grow

A large tract of protected lands stretches between Nelson and Creston, including areas managed by the Province of British Columbia and the Darkwoods Conservation Area, owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Yet one area within Darkwoods — the Next Creek watershed — remains unprotected. This is about to...

City seeks multi-million dollar grant for flood recovery

The city could receive up to $48 million for ‘critical infrastructure’ related to the flood that decimated Grand Forks earlier this year. With a successful grant application that will cost the city $250,000 for the development of planning and support documents, the City of Grand Forks could land the multi-million dollar...

RDKB Board Meeting — New pumper for Grand Forks Fire/Rescue

Grand Forks to receive funds for a new pumper truck, the Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association giving information about a lack of land base for timber harvesting and continuation of the Wood Stove Exchange Program were just some of the items on the agenda during the recent board meeting of the Regional District of Kootenay...

PART ONE: Understanding why your city council is having a COW

If Castlegar city council is serious about transparency and better communications, I would suggest Job One for them should be to leave a pile of rubber bands on the media table before every meeting so we can ping any member of senior staff or council who forgets to use their microphone. While that is obviously a tongue-in-cheek...

Christmas at the Gallery Open Seven Days a Week

Christmas at the Gallery is in full swing at the Kootenay Gallery of Art. Now that December is here, you can shop seven days a week between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.    The whole building is filled with pottery, sewn crafts, paintings, knitted dolls and much more. There are local books for all ages, including SS Minto by Bruce Rohn....

Letter: No Canadian needs to face cancer alone

To The Editor: In light of the Greyhound bus lines reducing service in British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to any people living with cancer who may be impacted by this withdrawal of service. No matter where you live, CCS is here to ensure that no Canadian has to face...

Too much speed for the icy patches?

A local man driving from Rossland to Strawberry Pass passed the scene of a crash on Sunday, November 11, 2018.  He noted only that the road was icy in spots, and that a car had gone off the road and some distance down the bank, and there were a number of emergency vehicles in attendance. The RCMP report states that the car ...

RANT: The only time I've ever been ashamed of Castlegar

As I get older, I find there are fewer and fewer things I’m willing to get upset about – hence the lack of editorial rants of late. There is, however, one issue that has me so incensed, so appalled, so disgusted, so flat-out ashamed, that it’s taken me weeks to write about it without using some of the more colourful (and less...

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