
RBC Foundation Donates $50,000 To Take a Hike

By Contributor
June 3rd, 2019

The RBC Foundation has donated $50,000 to the Take a Hike Foundation through RBC Future Launch. Dale Verdon, Manager at the Nelson RBC Branch met with the West Kootenay Take a Hike class to present the $50,000 cheque that will help one hundred vulnerable youth graduate high school and support Take a Hike’s expansion to Vancouver Island.

As part of their commitment to creating positive social impact andempowering youth, RBC Foundation and RBC employees have supported the Take a Hike Foundation since its inception in 2000.

The adventure-based and mental-health focussed Take a Hike program has helped hundreds of vulnerable youth across BC develop resilience, agency, and transferable skills to help them graduate high school and navigate young adulthood.

Categories: Education
