
UPDATED: BC Coroners Service releases name of man found dead in Cottonwood Creek

Bruce Fuhr
By Bruce Fuhr
April 4th, 2013

The BC Coroners Service confirmed identity of deceased male found last month near the mouth of Cottonwood Creekin Nelson as 27-year-old Seron Capell Beattie.

Nelson Police Chief Constable Wayne Holland said Beattie was from the Kootenay region and had been in Nelson for only a few days.

The Coroners Service and Nelson City Police continue to investigate this death but have all but ruled out foul play in the death of Beattie.

Beattie’s family has been notified of his death.

Police rule out foul play in death of man found in Cottonwood Creek

Police investigating the discovery of a man’s body found near the mouth of Cottonwood Creek (Saturday) March 23 do not suspect foul play Nelson Chief Constable Wayne Holland told The Nelson Daily Wednesday.

“To date I’m happy to say in a way that there’s nothing to lead us with the information provided us or our follow up investigation that there’s any reason at this time to suspect foul play,” Holland explained.

“At this time we are tentatively concluding that this is a death by misadventure,” Holland added.

“It’s a very unfortunate to have happen to a young member of the community and our condolences go out to the family at this time.”

The body of a deceased white male believed to be in his late 20s was found lying supine in the shallow waters of Cottonwood Creek at 80 Lakeside Drive near the City of Nelson Public Works Yard on the Nelson waterfront during the morning by a passing worker.

Nelson Police immediately cordoned off the area to begin the investigation into the suspicious death.

The deceased male was wearing a blue sports jersey with the number 12 on the front when he was found.

Police said the man was from the Kootenay region and had been in Nelson for only a few days.

“Despite some rumours to the effect that the investigation has been concluded I can assure the citizens of Nelson it is not concluded at this time,” said Holland.

“The investigation remains in the ongoing . . . open status.”

Holland said Nelson Police continue to receive tips from various members of the community that may have known the deceased or had heard something by means of rumours or believed to have seen something that would be of assistance to offices investigating the case.

“We continue to have people come to us with information,” said Holland. “We welcome that information and are pursing every single lead.”

Holland said finding of the body in Cottonwood Creek is an isolated incident.

“I want to stress at this time that there’s nothing to indicate that there’s any danger to any member of the public,” he said. “We have no information in that regard.”

The matter has been handed over to the B.C. Coroner’s Service who conducted a forensic autopsy last Thursday in an attempt to find more answers to the many questions resulting in this matter.

“Nothing that was arrived at by means of evidence, medical or otherwise, that would lead us to believe that something other that accidental, although, tragic misadventure, occurred,” Holland said.

“Still toxicology tests still are taking place and it is hoped that these may assist the coroners office and or pathologist, in terms of making a more informed determination of how this young man met his death.”

Holland said the B.C. Coroner’s Office is expected to release the name of the man soon.

Categories: Crime
